
IV. Arterial Blood Gas

Placement of an arterial line is indicated for continuous monitoring of arterial pressure and direct arterial blood sampling.


View the Video and Review the PDF description for the procedure using the Resource links on the Right Sidebar







Arterial Puncture


Not Competent




1. Wash hands or use sanitizing gel



2.  Identify patient (name and d.o.b.) and explain procedure to patient



3. Perform Allen Test to check vascular integrity of hand



4. Gather/check equipment:
    (sandbag or rolled towel/heparinized syringe with small gauge needle 
    for drawing specimen/band-aid/alcohol swab, 2x2 gauze pads), tape



5. Put on gloves



6. Position patient using sandbag or rolled towel to dorsiflex the wrist.



7. Cleanse overlying skin of distal wrist with alcohol swab



8. Palpate radial artery with non-dominant hand



9. (Student should describe but not perform) Anesthetize overlying skin 



10. Insert syringe into radial artery at 30-45 degree angle, bevel side up



11. Watch for pulsing flash of blood in syringe, reposition needle if needed



12. Collect sample specimen in syringe, then remove syringe. 



13. Apply direct pressure to puncture site.



14. Apply band-aid to patient's wrist



15. Expel air bubble from syringe.



16. Cap the syringe/needle, using needle-stick safety precautions



17. Once capped, roll the syringe gently to mix blood with heparin.



18. Place specimen syringe into delivery container with ice



19. Arrange for specimen to be delivered to laboratory promptly



20. Wash hands before leaving the room






                                                                            Remediation Required



Student  Name (please print) __________________________________



Student Signature _________________________________________



Evaluator Signature_________________________________________

