Session Resources

COURSE 124: Required Subinternship Selective Wards / 9A
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1 Room prep
5/6/24 07:30 am -- Other
May 2 Orientation
5/6/24 08:00 am -- Tsien, Margaret -- Other
May 3 Pain Management
5/6/24 08:15 am -- Kristopaitis, Theresa -- Case Based Learning
May 4 Order Writing / Time Management
5/6/24 09:45 am -- Tsien, Margaret -- Case Based Learning
May 5 How to Teach Medical Students
5/6/24 10:15 am -- Tsien, Margaret -- Case Based Learning
May 6 Patient Evaluation Skills: Sick vs. Not Sick
5/6/24 12:00 pm -- Bailey, Brenda -- Case Based Learning
May 7 Effective Communication
5/6/24 01:30 pm -- Greenhalgh, Sean -- Case Based Learning
May 8 Wards OSCE
5/31/24 08:00 am -- Clinical Skills
May 9 Wards Quiz (SSOM 390)
5/31/24 11:30 am -- Exam
May 10 Orientation - watch video online prior to orientation day; no in person session
7/1/24 08:00 am -- Tsien, Margaret -- Other
July 11 Order Writing / Time Management - watch video online prior to orientation day; no in person session
7/1/24 08:30 am -- Tsien, Margaret -- Case Based Learning
July 12 How to Teach Medical Students - watch video online prior to orientation day; no in person session
7/1/24 09:00 am -- Tsien, Margaret -- Case Based Learning
July 13 Patient Evaluation Skills: Sick vs. Not Sick
7/1/24 09:30 am -- Bailey, Brenda -- Case Based Learning
July 14 Pain Management
7/1/24 12:00 pm -- Kristopaitis, Theresa -- Case Based Learning
July 15 Effective Communication
7/1/24 01:30 pm -- Greenhalgh, Sean -- Case Based Learning
July 16 Wards OSCE
7/26/24 08:00 am -- Clinical Skills
July 17 Wards Quiz (SSOM 390)
7/26/24 11:30 am -- Exam
July 18 Room prep
8/5/24 07:30 am -- Other
August 19 Orientation
8/5/24 08:00 am -- Tsien, Margaret -- Other
August 20 Wards OSCE
8/30/24 08:00 am -- Clinical Skills
August 21 Wards Quiz (SSOM 390)
8/30/24 11:30 am -- Exam
August 22 Room prep
9/3/24 07:30 am -- Other
September 23 Orientation
9/3/24 08:00 am -- Tsien, Margaret -- Other
September 24 Wards OSCE
9/27/24 08:00 am -- Clinical Skills
September 25 Wards Quiz (SSOM 390)
9/27/24 11:30 am -- Exam
September 26 Room prep
9/30/24 07:30 am -- Other
September 27 Orientation
9/30/24 08:00 am -- Tsien, Margaret -- Other
September 28 Wards OSCE
10/25/24 08:00 am -- Clinical Skills
October 29 Wards Quiz (SSOM 390)
10/25/24 11:30 am -- Exam
October 30 Room prep
10/28/24 07:30 am -- Other
October 31 Orientation
10/28/24 08:00 am -- Tsien, Margaret -- Other
October 32 Wards OSCE
11/22/24 08:00 am -- Clinical Skills
November 33 Wards Quiz (SSOM 390)
11/22/24 11:30 am -- Exam
November 34 Room prep
11/25/24 07:30 am -- Other
November 35 Orientation
11/25/24 08:00 am -- Tsien, Margaret -- Other
November 36 Wards OSCE
12/20/24 08:00 am -- Clinical Skills
December 37 Wards Quiz (SSOM 390)
12/20/24 11:30 am -- Exam
December 38 Room prep
1/6/25 07:30 am -- Other
January 39 Orientation
1/6/25 08:00 am -- Tsien, Margaret -- Other
January 40 Wards OSCE
1/31/25 08:00 am -- Clinical Skills
January 41 Wards Quiz (SSOM 390)
1/31/25 11:30 am -- Exam
January 42 Room prep
2/3/25 07:30 am -- Other
February 43 Orientation
2/3/25 08:00 am -- Tsien, Margaret -- Other
February 44 Wards OSCE
2/28/25 08:00 am -- Clinical Skills
February 45 Wards Quiz (SSOM 390)
2/28/25 11:30 am -- Exam
February 46 Room prep
3/3/25 07:30 am -- Other
March 47 Orientation
3/3/25 08:00 am -- Tsien, Margaret -- Other
March 48 Wards OSCE
3/28/25 08:00 am -- Clinical Skills
March 49 Wards Quiz (SSOM 390)
3/28/25 11:30 am -- Exam
March 50 Room prep
3/31/25 07:30 am -- Other
March 51 Orientation
3/31/25 08:00 am -- Tsien, Margaret -- Other
March 52 Wards OSCE
4/25/25 08:00 am -- Clinical Skills
April 53 Wards Quiz (SSOM 390)
4/25/25 11:30 am -- Exam
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