Session Resources

COURSE 205: Pharmacology and Therapeutics
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1 Staff only
7/17/24 01:00 pm -- Other
July 2 Pharmacology Course Orientation- REQUIRED- ON CAMPUS
8/5/24 02:00 pm -- Clipstone, Neil -- Lecture
August 3 Principles of Pharmacology: Drugs and Their Receptors - ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
8/6/24 08:30 am -- Clipstone, Neil -- Lecture
August 4 Molecular Targets of Drug Action - ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
8/6/24 09:30 am -- Clipstone, Neil -- Lecture
August 5 Pharmacokinetics I: Drug Absorption & Distribution- ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
8/7/24 07:30 am -- Byron, Kenneth -- Lecture
August 6 Pharmacokinetics II: Drug Elimination & Multiple Dosing - ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
8/7/24 08:30 am -- Byron, Kenneth -- Lecture
August 7 Drug Metabolism - ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
8/8/24 07:30 am -- Clipstone, Neil -- Lecture
August 8 The Pharmacology of Drug Transporters - ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
8/8/24 08:30 am -- Clipstone, Neil -- Lecture
August 9 Pharmacogenetics and Pharmacogenomics - ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
8/9/24 08:30 am -- Clipstone, Neil -- Lecture
August 10 Pharmacology Small Group I-REQUIRED- ON CAMPUS
8/9/24 11:00 am -- Small Group
August 11 Quantifying drug-receptor interactions and responses I- ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
8/12/24 07:30 am -- Clipstone, Neil -- Lecture
August 12 Quantifying drug-receptor interactions and responses II- ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
8/12/24 09:30 am -- Clipstone, Neil -- Lecture
August 13 Pharmacology Small Group II - REQUIRED- ON CAMPUS
8/12/24 02:00 pm -- Small Group
August 14 Drug Toxicity- ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
8/13/24 07:30 am -- Clipstone, Neil -- Lecture
August 15 Drug Discovery and Clinical Trials - ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
8/13/24 08:30 am -- Clipstone, Neil -- Lecture
August 16 Pharmacology Small Group III - REQUIRED- ON CAMPUS
8/13/24 11:00 am -- Small Group
August 17 Pharmacology Small Group IV - REQUIRED- ON CAMPUS
8/15/24 10:45 am -- Small Group
August 18 Pharmacology Basic Concepts Review/Q & A- Optional- ON CAMPUS
8/16/24 08:30 am -- Clipstone, Neil -- Review Session
August 19 Integrated MHDI Exam 1/PharmI Exam 1/PCM2 Exam 1 - ON CAMPUS, REQUIRED
8/19/24 01:00 pm -- Exam
August 20 Introduction to Antibiotics & General Principles of Antimicrobial Therapy - ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
8/20/24 08:30 am -- Reid, Gail -- Lecture
August 21 Cell Wall Inhibitors I - ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
8/21/24 07:30 am -- Santarossa, Maressa -- Lecture
August 22 Cell Wall Inhibitors II - ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
8/21/24 08:30 am -- Reid, Gail -- Lecture
August 23 Aminoglycosides - ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
8/22/24 07:30 am -- Santarossa, Maressa -- Lecture
August 24 Vancomycin, Linezolid and Daptomycin - ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
8/22/24 08:30 am -- Reid, Gail -- Lecture
August 25 Macrolides, Ketolides, Streptogramins and Lincosamides - ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
8/23/24 07:30 am -- Adams, Jenna -- Lecture
August 26 Tetracyclines ,Glyclines, Sulfonamides, Chloramphenicol and urinary tract agents - ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
8/23/24 08:30 am -- Reid, Gail -- Lecture
August 27 Fluoroquinolones & Metronidazole - ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
8/26/24 07:30 am -- Santarossa, Maressa -- Lecture
August 28 Antimycobacterials- ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
8/26/24 08:30 am -- Sabzwari, Rabeeya -- Lecture
August 29 Antimicrobials Review- Optional Review-ON CAMPUS
8/28/24 01:00 pm -- Reid, Gail -- Review Session
August 30 Integrated MHDI Exam 2/PharmI Exam /PCM2 Exam 2 - ON CAMPUS, REQUIRED
8/30/24 01:30 pm -- Exam
August 31 Drug Actions in Synaptic Transmission - ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
9/3/24 07:30 am -- Scrogin, Karie -- Lecture
September 32 Adrenergic Agonists and Antagonists I - ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
9/3/24 08:30 am -- Scrogin, Karie -- Lecture
September 33 Adrenergic Agonists and Antagonists II - ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
9/4/24 07:30 am -- Scrogin, Karie -- Lecture
September 34 Adrenergic Agonists and Antagonists III - ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
9/4/24 08:30 am -- Scrogin, Karie -- Lecture
September 35 Cholinergic Agonists & Antagonists - ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
9/5/24 07:30 am -- Scrogin, Karie -- Lecture
September 36 Neuromuscular Relaxants - ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
9/5/24 08:30 am -- Scrogin, Karie -- Lecture
9/6/24 07:30 am -- Clipstone, Neil -- Lecture
9/6/24 08:30 am -- Clipstone, Neil -- Lecture
September 39 Heparin I - ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
9/6/24 03:00 pm -- Hoppensteadt-Moorman, Debra -- Lecture
September 40 Heparin II - ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
9/6/24 04:00 pm -- Hoppensteadt-Moorman, Debra -- Lecture
September 41 Antiplatelet Drugs - ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
9/9/24 07:30 am -- Fareed, Jawed -- Lecture
September 42 Thrombolytics - ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
9/9/24 08:30 am -- Fareed, Jawed -- Lecture
September 43 Faculty only set up
9/11/24 10:00 am -- Other
September 44 Autonomic Demonstration- ON CAMPUS
9/11/24 10:30 am -- Reed, Trent -- Simulations
September 45 Integrated MHDI Exam 3/PharmI Exam 3/PCM2 Exam 3 - ON CAMPUS, REQUIRED
9/13/24 01:00 pm -- Exam
September 46 Drugs to Treat Hyperlipidemia I & II-ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
9/18/24 09:30 am -- Clipstone, Neil -- Lecture
September 47 Pharmacology of Vasoactive Peptides - ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
9/19/24 07:30 am -- Fareed, Jawed -- Lecture
September 48 Pharmacology of Nitric Oxide - ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
9/19/24 08:30 am -- Fareed, Jawed -- Lecture
September 49 Diuretics - ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
9/19/24 09:30 am -- Byron, Kenneth -- Lecture
September 50 Antihypertensive Drugs I -ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
9/23/24 07:30 am -- Scrogin, Karie -- Lecture
September 51 Antihypertensive Drugs II -ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
9/23/24 08:30 am -- Scrogin, Karie -- Lecture
September 52 Antianginal Drugs - ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
9/24/24 07:30 am -- Scrogin, Karie -- Lecture
September 53 Drugs to Treat Congestive Heart Failure - ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
9/25/24 07:30 am -- Scrogin, Karie -- Lecture
September 54 Antiarrhythmic Drugs I & II- ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
9/26/24 07:30 am -- Haske, Michael -- Lecture
September 55 Faculty Only
10/2/24 09:30 am -- Other
October 56 Cardiovascular Demonstration- ON CAMPUS
10/2/24 10:30 am -- Scrogin, Karie -- Simulations
October 57 Integrated MHDI Exam 4/PharmI Exam 4/PCM2 Exam 4 and TCM2 Radiology Exam 1- ON CAMPUS, REQUIRED
10/4/24 01:00 pm -- Exam
October 58 Bench to Bedside Project I- REQUIRED- ON CAMPUS
10/15/24 09:00 am -- Small Group
October 59 Drugs Used to Treat Asthma- ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
10/17/24 02:00 pm -- Hoppensteadt-Moorman, Debra -- Lecture
10/17/24 03:00 pm -- Clipstone, Neil -- Lecture
October 61 Anti-Viral Agents -ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
10/18/24 09:30 am -- Clipstone, Neil -- Lecture
October 62 Antifungal Agents-ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
10/21/24 07:30 am -- Clipstone, Neil -- Lecture
October 63 HIV Drugs & Antifungals- Optional Review- ON CAMPUS
10/23/24 01:00 pm -- Clipstone, Neil -- Review Session
October 64 Integrated MHDII Exam 5/PharmII Exam 5/PCM2 Exam 5 and TCM2 Readiology Exam 2 - ON CAMPUS, REQUIRED
10/25/24 01:30 pm -- Exam
October 65 Pharmacotherapy of Anemias and Cytopenias - ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
11/6/24 09:30 am -- Kini, Ameet -- Lecture
November 66 Bench to Bedside Project II - REQUIRED- ON CAMPUS
11/6/24 01:00 pm -- Small Group
November 67 Integrated MHDII Exam 6/PharmII Exam 6/PCM2 Exam 6 and TCM2 Radiology Exam 3 - ON CAMPUS, REQUIRED
11/15/24 09:30 am -- Exam
November 68 Local Anesthetics - ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
11/21/24 07:30 am -- Byram, Scott -- Lecture
November 69 General Anesthetics -ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
11/21/24 08:30 am -- Haske, Michael -- Lecture
November 70 The Pharmacology of Opioid Drugs - ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
11/23/24 09:30 am -- Sodhi, Monsheel -- Lecture
November 71 Acupuncture and the Pain Pathway- ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
11/26/24 09:30 am -- Michelfelder, Aaron -- Lecture
November 72 Pharmacology of Serotonin & Dopamine Drugs -ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
11/27/24 10:30 am -- Scrogin, Karie -- Lecture
November 73 Antiepileptic Medications -ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
12/2/24 08:30 am -- Gruener, Gregory -- Lecture
December 74 Integrated MHDII Exam 7/PharmII Exam 7/PCM2 Exam 7 - ON CAMPUS, REQUIRED
12/9/24 01:00 pm -- Exam
December 75 Antidepressant Drugs -ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
12/11/24 09:30 am -- Clipstone, Neil -- Lecture
December 76 Drugs to Treat Bipolar Disorder -ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
12/12/24 07:30 am -- Clipstone, Neil -- Lecture
December 77 Sedative-Hypnotic Drugs -ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
12/12/24 08:30 am -- Clipstone, Neil -- Lecture
December 78 Substance Abuse Disorders: Mechanisms and Treatments -ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
12/13/24 07:30 am -- Bakowska, Joanna -- Lecture
December 79 Antipsychotic Drugs -ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
12/13/24 09:00 am -- Sodhi, Monsheel -- Lecture
December 80 Drugs to treat Attention-Deficit/Hyperactivity Disorder-ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
12/13/24 10:00 am -- Clipstone, Neil -- Lecture
December 81 Psychiatric Disease Drug Review- On Campus
12/18/24 09:30 am -- Review Session
December 82 Integrated MHDII Exam 8/PharmII Exam 8/PCM2 Exam 8 - ON CAMPUS, REQUIRED
12/20/24 01:00 pm -- Exam
December 83 Drugs to Treat Nausea and Vomiting - ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
1/8/25 09:30 am -- Kristopaitis, Theresa -- Lecture
January 84 Histamine H2 Receptor Blockers and Proton Pump Inhibitors - ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
1/8/25 01:00 pm -- Hoppensteadt-Moorman, Debra -- Lecture
January 85 SELF STUDY Principles of Clinical Toxicology- ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
1/16/25 07:30 am -- Clipstone, Neil -- Lecture
January 86 Anti-Parasitic Agents -ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
1/16/25 08:30 am -- Johnson, Stuart -- Lecture
January 87 Dietary Supplements and Herbal Medication -ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
1/16/25 01:00 pm -- Clipstone, Neil -- Lecture
January 88 Integrated MHDIII Exam 9/PharmII Exam 9/PCM2 Exam 9 and TCM2 Radiology Exam 4 - ON CAMPUS, REQUIRED
1/24/25 09:30 am -- Exam
January 89 Pharmacology of Hypothalamic and Pituitary Hormones -ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
1/30/25 09:30 am -- Clipstone, Neil -- Lecture
January 90 The Pharmacology of Estrogens -ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
1/30/25 05:30 pm -- Clipstone, Neil -- Lecture
January 91 The Pharmacology of the Progestins and Oral Contraceptives -ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
1/30/25 06:30 pm -- Clipstone, Neil -- Lecture
January 92 The Pharmacology of Androgens -ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
1/31/25 09:30 am -- Clipstone, Neil -- Lecture
January 93 Adrenocorticosteroids and Antagonists -ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
2/2/25 08:30 am -- Clipstone, Neil -- Lecture
February 94 Drugs to Treat Diabetes -ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
2/5/25 07:30 am -- Clipstone, Neil -- Lecture
February 95 Agents Affecting Mineral Ion Homeostasis and Bone Turnover -ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
2/6/25 07:30 am -- Clipstone, Neil -- Lecture
February 96 Thyroid and Anti-Thyroid Drugs -ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
2/6/25 08:30 am -- Clipstone, Neil -- Lecture
February 97 Endocrine Pharmacology Review Q&A- Optional Review- ON CAMPUS
2/12/25 02:00 pm -- Clipstone, Neil -- Review Session
February 98 Integrated MHDIII Exam 10/PharmII Exam 10/PCM2 Exam 10 - ON CAMPUS, REQUIRED
2/14/25 01:00 pm -- Exam
February 99 Principles of Chemotherapy -ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
2/17/25 10:30 am -- Clipstone, Neil -- Lecture
February 100 Alkylating Agents & Platinum Compounds -ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
2/19/25 01:00 pm -- Clipstone, Neil -- Lecture
February 101 Antimetabolite Drugs -ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
2/19/25 02:00 pm -- Clipstone, Neil -- Lecture
February 102 Topoisomerase Inhibitors, Antitumor Antibiotics & Microtubule Poisons- ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
2/19/25 03:00 pm -- Clipstone, Neil -- Lecture
February 103 Targeted Cancer Therapy-ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
2/20/25 07:30 am -- Clipstone, Neil -- Lecture
February 104 Cancer Immunotherapy-ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
2/21/25 10:30 am -- Clipstone, Neil -- Lecture
February 105 Drugs to Treat Rheumatoid Arthritis & Gout -ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
2/26/25 07:30 am -- Clipstone, Neil -- Lecture
February 106 Immunosuppressants and Immunomodulatry Drugs-ASYNCHRONOUS LECTURE
2/27/25 07:30 am -- Clipstone, Neil -- Lecture
February 107 Chemotherapy/Immunosuppressants Review- ON CAMPUS
3/5/25 01:00 pm -- Clipstone, Neil -- Review Session
March 108 Integrated MHDIII Exam 11/PharmII Exam 11/PCM2 Exam 11 - ON CAMPUS, REQUIRED
3/7/25 01:30 pm -- Exam
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