Calcification in Abdomen | |
What are the common conditions when you can see abdominal calcification?
What are the imaging procedures useful to demonstrate calcifications in the abdomen?Detection of calcification in the abdomen is usually an incidental finding.
Plain filmArrow: Gall stone Arrowheads: Calcification of anterior longitudinal ligament in a patient with ankylosing spondylitis. Osteophyte L5-S1 |
Kidney Stones |
Chronic PancreatitisArrowheads point to extensive pancreatic calcification. |
CTBilateral Renal Pelvis CalculiArrowheads point to soft tissue infiltration secondary to extravasation of urine around both renal pelvis. Arrows pointing to calculi. |
CTAbdominal Aortic AneurysmCalcification of the wall of the aneurysm of aorta |